2018 - 2019 Grade 5 Student-Led Action Project
After raising money for the library from Fall Festival, the AHS Class of 2019 voted to donate $700 to organizations that support three causes. They were asked to name causes or issues that hurt their hearts. Here are their results:
A voluntary group of over 20 fifth graders met during lunch from February - May to research organizations that support victims of these three causes: animal abuse, cancer, and child abuse. Meanwhile, we raised an additional $800 during our two Book Fairs thanks to the lollipop game sponsored by the Koko Head Lions Club.
The final decision was to donate $500 to three different organizations, one for each cause. We hope that our donations to these organizations can help make the world a better place.
Animal Abuse (5 "adoptions"): The Fund for Animals
Cancer: American Cancer Society
Child Abuse: Prevent Child Abuse
The final decision was to donate $500 to three different organizations, one for each cause. We hope that our donations to these organizations can help make the world a better place.
Animal Abuse (5 "adoptions"): The Fund for Animals
Cancer: American Cancer Society
Child Abuse: Prevent Child Abuse